One momentous evening, events are set in motion that will decide the fate of our world and the Hyddenworld – a land lying alongside our own, concealed from human eyes. As earth tremors ravage the Hyddenworld, a child of two worlds is born, a lost gem is found and the Hyddenworld’s sleeping Emperor finally wakes. And he requires a powerful gem to
sustain his stricken body and time-worn spirit.
These events signal the end of a normal life for Jack and his daughter. Judith must find her path as a woman of two worlds, as her unwelcome destiny calls her to unite four powerful gems, so keeping the earth from darkness with their light. If she fails, both human and hydden worlds will face extinction. And to triumph, she must embrace the help of friends – and the love of her greatest friend of all.
Series praise: ‘The last fifty pages of this book gave me my happiest reading experience in recent years’, ‘A real gem of a novel ... It’s colourful, it’s incredibly creative and this new series is one that will soon become a firm favourite’ FalcataTimes blog, ‘This is a return to the traditional; an intimate, delicate and delightfully written novel’