Soul in the Game
21 June 2022
Imprint: Harriman House
21 June 2022
304 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
A fascinating, often amusing, occasionally jarring journey - just like life itself. Vitaliy Katsenelson’s Soul in the Game is one of those much-needed reminders that although we have no control over when we’re born or when we’ll die, we are the architects of how we live.General Stanley McChrystal, Author, Risk: A User’s Guide
Vitaliy knows how to tell a story. This book reads like a conversation with Vitaliy: deep, insightful, inquisitive and civilized.Nassim Nicholas Taleb, Author, The Black Swan
Soul in the Game is a beautiful way to search for the lost value of happiness, strength and health.Wim Hof, Author, The Wim Hof Method
Soul in the Game is impossible to categorize. It is part memoir and part self-help book; it is part philosophy and partly about parenting; it is partly a book about writing, music history, and art appreciation. In the end, it is nothing less than a manual on how to live a good and meaningful life and achieve those most elusive and yet desirable of all states: balance and self-mastery. This book has changed me, and it will change you as well.Robert Greenberg, Composer and Author, How to Listen to Great Music