225 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
Tim Price is one of the most cogent commentators on markets; this book contains wisdom and ideas that every investor should take note of. Tim has summarised the follies of Central Bankers, the avarice and general uselessness of financial advisers, and the bubble in asset prices that currently prevails. He comes up with a Manifesto which is designed to save us from the disastrous policies of the past two decades and to preserve and enhance capital. I thoroughly recommend Through the Looking Glass.Jim Mellon, Investor and Chairman, Burnbrae Ltd
When Tim give speeches - even informal talks - crowds gather around him. Reading, his new book Investing Through the Looking Glass reminds me why. It's a crisp story of how our Alice in Wonderland financial world actually works... told with wit, style and deep insights. George Soros said that there are some books that can make you a million dollars; this could be one of those books.Bill Bonner, Founder and President, Agora Inc
Almost everything you think you know about finance, investing and money is wrong. In this wise, easy to read, and very independently minded book, Tim Price explains why. You might not agree with everything Tim says. But Through the Looking Glass will certainly make you think - and might make you a lot of money too.Merryn Somerset Webb, Editor in chief, MoneyWeek
Certifiable lunatics run the world's central banks. And it takes a sane person to tell that truth. Tim Price is very sane.Michael Covel, bestselling author of Trend Following and TurtleTrader