325 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
A remarkable look inside systematic trading never seen before, spanning the range from small to institutional traders. This isn't only for algorithmic traders, it's valuable for anyone needing a structure - which is all of us. Carver explains how to properly test, apply constant risk, size positions and portfolios, and my favorite, his "no rule" trading rule, all explained with scenarios. Reading this will benefit all traders.Perry Kaufman, author of Trading Systems and Methods, 5th Edition (Wiley, 2013)
The days of Richard Dennis and his turtles with their alleged 100% per year profit are long gone... Robert Carver is more modest--and more realistic. At the same time he has more to offer the investor or trader who has a spark of creativity and intellectual curiosity. .... (Carver) isn't just some ordinary Joe with a computer and a bunch of back-testing software. He has clearly thought about what makes a good systematic trader and a good systematically-driven portfolio. We can be grateful that he decided to share his insights with us.Brenda Jubin, Reading the markets