India Automated: How the Fourth Industrial Revolution is Transforming India
Rethinking the future of India through automation.
From scavenging to lunar missions, from railway factories to healthcare and even tax planning, automation is growing faster and deeper in India than is visible. In a country where more than a million people get ready for jobs every month, this rise in automation can appear as an unwelcome change or a threat to their livelihood.
But the reality is that automation is enhancing efficiency, accuracy and accountability of India’s working professionals in ways that haven’t been seen before. Automation is helping generate information in a data-poor country. It is making India’s private sector more active and government’s functioning more transparent and reliable.
Through several case studies of private enterprises and government departments, India Automated chronicles the transformation that India is undergoing and how robotics and process automation are infusing proficiency in our work and personal lives. Automation is turning to be one of the most impactful results of the Fourth Industrial Revolution technologies in India. AI, drones, blockchain, cybersecurity, 3D printing, augmented and virtual reality include automated processes. These are also opening new categories of employment for job seekers.
This book argues for deeper collaboration between industrial and government sectors to ensure that automation enhances India’s steady growth while also mitigating its negative impact. With this forward-looking approach, Pranjal Sharma brings us face to face with the reality that it is imperative for India to align itself with this revolution.