Serenade for Baboons (Short Reads)
Noel Langley – Serenade for Baboons
The Doctor cannot understand why his neighbours only listen to the local Witch Doctor. After all – he teaches modern medicine. But when terror takes hold of him, this dark and savage tale of revenge begins to bite – superstitions sometimes exist for a reason . . .
Pan Macmillan are proud to present a brand new reissue of the first ever edition of The Pan Book of Horror Stories.
Fiendish, fantastic and downright chilling, these tales were originally selected for Pan by legendary horror anthologist Herbert van Thal. Fifty years on, they are as compelling, evocative and macabre as ever. Highlighted by a new introduction from Johnny Mains, ‘A Brief History of the Horrors’, the legacy of this astonishing collection – that became a defining influence on the genre – is self-evident.
We have made an exclusive few available digitally, so choose your next nightmare here . . .