"Do unto others . . ." Carefully, he carves the words into their flesh. The victims are all young, brunette, pretty. But she's the one he really wants. The others are just a way to case the rage that has festered for years, until the only thing that calms him is the knife slicing through skin . . .
Detective September Rafferty-Nine to her friends-recognizes the artwork that arrives in the mail. She created it back in second grade. Now a killer's words are slashed across it in what looks like blood. He knows her. September's investigation leads to her cold classmate, Jake Westerly. She wants to believe Jake is innocent. But trusting anyone could be her last mistake . . .
Every slight, every slur, he remembers them all. They turned him into a monster, and now they will suffer for it. Starting with September, he'll show them that the past can never stay hidden, and the time of vengeance is at hand . . .
Nancy Bush always delivers edge-of-your seat suspense!Lisa Jackson
Engrossing . . . twists you won't see coming!Karen Rose
Atmospheric . . . sure to cause shivers.Book Page