Book cover for So Old a Ship

So Old a Ship



30 April 2015
86 pages
Imprint: Moho Books


Every time I saw a dhow under sail I marvelled at their grace and speed and I always hankered to emulate Villiers and make a long voyage on one. It was not to be. Sailing dhows are almost non-existent now and the skills will soon be lost, so it is timely to have this record of voyaging and life aboard one for posterity.
Marion Kaplan, then living in Kenya, shipped aboard two working dhows for a National Geographic story. Despite being a woman in a male-dominated world, she started as passenger and ended as crew. Her story, published in 1974 and again here, must be the last of its kind. It's a singular story with photos to match.
Marion Kaplan was asked by National Geographic in 1972 to record voyaging on the last of the Arab dhows. Four decades later, she describes that vanished world.
Photojournalist Marion Kaplan recalls sailing on one of the last ocean-going trading dhows from Dubai to Tanzania.