275 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
Deep Value investing is not for the faint hearted but Jeroen Bos is an expert practicioner. His book is clear, engaging and practical. It shines an expert light on this lucrative and little known investment niche. Frankly, as a fellow deep value investor looking for undiscovered bargains, I wish he hadn't done quite such a good job of it.Andrew Williamson, Hawkwood Capital LLP
With the publication of Deep Value Investing, J Bos has joined a very select group made up of investors turned authors turned teachers. Deep Value investing is not your average book about value investing. No generalities here, no theories, no big words. But facts, very clear principles and how to implement them example after example. This book has not been written to entertain the reader nor to make him dream about becoming rich through using some abstruse formulae or techniques. Everything in this book is easy to understand, down to earth and replicable. But at a cost: one has to work and work hard in order to put to good use Jeroen Bos' manual. One has to go after the raw materials of financial accounts and statements and dig underneath in order to, on rare occasions, be fortunate enough to pick the deeply undervalued investment opportunities. The Intelligent Investor by Benjamin Graham remains a reference in the field, but the required reading list for value investors is now one title longer since J Bos' Deep Value Investing publication.David Pastel, Chairman and CEO, Pastel & Associés, Paris
If you want to know how to make money by buying cheap companies, this book is a must."Philip Best, Argos Investment Managers
Very well written, easy to understand and jargon free...the book probably will help in making you a better investor, and on that basis it is definitely worth an addition to any serious investor's library.Richard Gill, T1ps