The Macmillan Diaries II
Harold Macmillan's diaries from 1959-1966 offer the most complete and entertaining account of any modern Premiership. Written up at the end of each day in a lively, witty style, they provide a fascinating, personal record of his experiences governing the nation, including several key events such as the Cuban Missile Crisis, Britain's bid for entry into Europe, the build up to the Vietnam war, and the Profumo Affair, a scandal that went to the heart of his own government and came to typify the 'you've never had it so good' sixities. His was a premiership during a time of immense change in Britain and these journals are an essential insight into inner government at the time.
‘Macmillan’s wry aphorisms sparkle’ - Daily Telegraph
‘an enthralling book’ – Sunday Telegraph
‘some splendid gems that deserve immortality’ – New Statesman