Book cover for The Art of the Click

The Art of the Click



01 October 2018
236 pages
Imprint: Harriman House


Glenn leaps away from meaningless jargon and does what all great copywriters do - he writers directly to the reader as he or she speaks, so you glide through The Art of the Click easily. And you learn along the way with memorable techniques, fun explanations and entertaining anecdotes in what feels like an effortless but brilliant one-to-one masterclass.
Glenn Fisher knows an incredibly valuable secret. How to write to complete strangers and get them to part with their hard-earned cash. Now he seems to have taken leave of his senses and published his secret in this book. Any copywriter, hell, any marketeer or business owner, who wants to make serious money should buy a copy.
Whenever you pick up a book on copywriting you expect it to be a bit like a science textbook without the genital graffiti. You know you’ll learn from it, but reading is going to be hard work. That's not the case with The Art of the Click. Glenn has made the book light and enjoyable. It’s funny, engaging and easy to read - even for people like me that struggle to compute anything even remotely technical. Glenn is a master of the craft and this is as good a book as you’ll find on selling things with words. You'll be a better writer for reading it. Well played, Sir. Well played, indeed.
The Art of the Click is a passionate, in-depth and incredibly readable masterclass in direct-response copywriting. Glenn Fisher will show you the winning techniques that have made him one of the UK’s top writers of direct marketing, from in-depth research to holding your reader’s attention and turning it into action. And he tops it all off with three fascinating interviews with masters of the craft. If you want to write copy with real persuasive power, buy this book.