Treasure Preserved
It's action all the way in this classic and witty whodunit centred round the fate of the 19th century Round House, an ugly building of uncertain origin that could scupper the multi-million pound development planned for a south coast resort. A dozen interested parties are in favour of knocking it down. They include an Arab oil sheikh, a sexy English Literature drop-out from Sussex University, the head of a construction company, and a romantic novelist. And where does Canon Tring's languorous young wife fit in to all this?
Only Louella, Lady Brasset, is committed to keeping the Round House standing; she believes it to be the joint creation of two famous architects, Sir John Soane and William Butterfield. But four hours after banker and sleuth, Mark Treasure, promises her a stay of execution on the house, it's Louella who is blown up - and another accident follows. A double accident? Or a double murder?
The sixth installment in the Mark Treasure mystery series, Treasure Preserved is full of David Williams' trademark humour and charm.