Mark Treasure Mysteries by David Williams
Unholy Writ
The first charming mystery to feature the urbane banker sleuth, Mark Treasure.
Treasure By Degrees
The second installment in David Williams' highly entertaining Mark Treasure series
Treasure Up in Smoke
The third of David Williams' deliciously clever Mark Treasure series.
Murder for Treasure
The fourth Mark Treasure mystery, featuring murder and intrigue on the Welsh coast.
Copper, Gold and Treasure
The fifth Mark Treasure mystery, full of murder and intrigue on the streets of London.
Treasure Preserved
The sixth Mark Treasure mystery, packed full of murder and intrigue.
Advertise for Treasure
A Mark Treasure mystery set amidst the glitz and intrigue of the 1980s London advertising world.
Wedding Treasure
The ninth Mark Treasure mystery, set in the heart of the English countryside.
Treasure in Roubles
A riotous Mark Treasure mystery set in Soviet Russia.
Divided Treasure
The eleventh Mark Treasure mystery, set in the dangerous world of confectionery...
Treasure in Oxford
A Mark Treasure mystery that sees everyone's favourite banker-detective entangled in a grisly art murder
Holy Treasure!
The thirteenth of David Williams' elegant and erudite Mark Treasure mysteries
Prescription for Murder
In the 14th Mark Treasure mystery, the urbane banker sleuth gets tangled up in the worlds of medicine and big business
Treasure by Post
The 15th of David Williams' Mark Treasure mysteries
Planning on Murder
The penultimate Mark Treasure mystery, set in the grandeur of an English manor house.
Banking on Murder
The final Mark Treasure mystery