152 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
Thought-provoking book. This slim volume does some envisioning, giving you a more cheerful view of how to cope with the world of work and the flood of information than the usual headlines. It's also a good high-level survey of the research and writing on these areas, and it's written in a friendly and accessible style that doesn't assume you use any particular brand of technology, studded with personal anecdotes and discursions into what serendipity really means (it's more Sherlock Holmes that winning the lottery).Mary Branscombe, ZDNet
Coplin's 130-odd pages will leave you fantastically well read.Simon Rockman, The Register
Dave Coplin outlines how we can turn the threat of the "digital deluge" into a key organisational asset, creating a new generation of responsive organisations that are ready for the 21st century business world.Adam Pisoni, Cofounder and CTO at Yammer / CVP, Yammer Engineering, Microsoft
I recommend that you switch off all electronic devices, devour this in one sitting, then lean back and ponder deeply.Dr Nerina Ramlakhan, author of Tired But Wired