Return of the Active Manager
Imprint: Harriman House
212 pages
Imprint: Harriman House
Wow! I expected a terrific book from Howard and Voss, but ROAM knocked me back. It’s a once-a-decade genre-defining must-have-on-every-investor’s-bookshelf type of book. Read this and your wealth (and life!) will be wiser and smoother for it.Richard L. Peterson M.D., author of 'Inside the Investor’s Brain' (Wiley, 2007) and CEO of MarketPsych
Advisors – drop everything and read this book!Barbara Stewart, CFA, Barbara Stewart, Author of the Rich Thinking series of white papers on women and finance
Voss and Howard shine a practical light on the massive opportunity that exists for truly active fund managers in this day and age – if they are willing to focus on identifying and mitigating their own behavioral biases, in addition to exploiting those of other market participants. It's a must-read for all next-generation fund managers.Clare Flynn Levy, Founder & CEO, Essentia Analytics
The book offers a convincing alternate view to look at active investment management and is a must for asset owners, irrespective of asset class, and wealth professionals.Biharilal Deora, FCA, CFA, CIPM, Director, Abakkus Asset Manager