Well Done God!
To commemorate the eightieth anniversary of his birth, two of the foremost scholars of B S Johnson, Professor Philip Tew and Dr Julia Jordan, have joined forces with Jonathan Coe, author of the prize-winning biography, Like a Fiery Elephant, to offer a selection of his greatest uncollected or unavailable writing. Well Done God! includes his major prose work, Aren’t You Rather Young to be Writing Your Memoirs?, six plays and a selection of his remarkable journalism.
B S Johnson is a truly unique British writer, a cult figure whose original and experimental fiction has, since his tragically early death in 1973, been rediscovered by many subsequent generations of writers and readers. In many ways the heir to Joyce and Beckett, Johnson played with form and narrative across many genres: novels, plays, poetry and memoir.
The future of the novel depends on people like B. S. JohnsonAnthony Burgess
Experimentalist or not, B. S. Johnson is one of the most original, gifted and readable writers this country has produced in the last fifty yearsJonathan Coe
A most gifted writerSamuel Beckett