Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales by Hilary McKay

Tower and the Bird

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Rapunzel from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Straw into Gold

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Rumpelstiltski' from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Roses Round the Palace

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Cinderella from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Fountain in the Market Square

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale The Pied Piper of Hamelin from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Chickenpox and Crystal

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Snow White and the Seven Dwarves from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Prince and the Problem

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale The Princess and the Pea from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Over the Hills and Far Away

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Little Red Riding Hood - with an appearance from Tom, Tom, the Piper's son - from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Things Were Different in Those Days

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale The Twelve Dancing Princesses, from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

What I Did in the Holidays. . .

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale Hansel and Gretel, from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales

Sweet William by Rushlight

A beautiful short story retelling the classic fairy tale The Swan Brothers from the children's collection Hilary McKay's Fairy Tales