Changing Picture Books by Priddy Books

Book cover for Big Tractor

Big Tractor

Pull the tabs and watch the pictures magically change in Big Tractor, a fantastic new title in the popular Priddy Books series, A Changing Picture Book.

Book cover for Chirp, Chirp

Chirp, Chirp

With clever acetate pictures that change at the pull of a tab, this fun, interactive book will encourage preschoolers to use their imaginations.

Book cover for Christmas Surprise

Christmas Surprise

Christmas Surprise is a surprise-packed, imaginative novelty board book for preschoolers to get excited for Christmas and learn new vocabulary, with clever acetate pictures that change at the pull of a tab.

Book cover for Dinosaur Galore!

Dinosaur Galore!

This changing picture novelty book from bestselling children's book author Roger Priddy will captivate young children as they pull the tabs and watch as dinosaurs magically transform into their opposites through acetate windows.

Book cover for Red Car Green Car

Red Car Green Car

An illustrated pull-tab book for toddlers, who will be amazed as each car magically changes colour.