The Uncertainty Toolkit
For most of us, uncertainty is paralyzing, and the underlying cause of much of our anxiety about both our personal lives and the wider world. But even a cursory look at the news cycle shows that uncertainty isn’t going anywhere. The world – and our lives – will continue to change, at great pace and in unexpected ways.
This pioneering, evidence-based book provides a clear blueprint for how to live successfully with uncertainty and even transform it into growth and opportunity.
Together with professors at University College London, authors Katherine Templar-Lewis and Sam Conniff have led the world’s most extensive study in how to increase Uncertainty Tolerance and have used that research to create this plan. The Uncertainty Toolkit is based on cutting edge science, underpinned by personal accounts from ‘uncertainty experts’ – unlikely heroes including ex-prisoners, former addicts, refugees, gangland bosses and hostages who have channeled their exceptional experience of extreme ambiguity into mainstream world success.
Featuring practical exercises, a scientifically-proven test to measure your Uncertainty Tolerance (and how it improves), and techniques that will deepen your knowledge of how the mind and body interact, The Uncertainty Toolkit is an invaluable guide for anyone looking to do more and worry less in our complex and ever-changing world.