Rabbits Don't Lay Eggs!
Paula Metcalf
Illustrated by Cally Johnson-Isaacs
Ages 3 to 6
04 December 2014
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
Rabbits don't belong in the farmyard. So it creates quite a stir when Rupert the rabbit pops up. He tries to make himself useful, but he can't cock-a-doodle-do like Cockerel, and when he tries to lay an egg like Dora the duck, it's a disaster! Luckily Rupert is good at digging, which soon leads to the most unexpected farm job of all . . .
Rabbits Don't Lay Eggs! from Paula Metcalf and Cally Johnson-Isaacs, the creators of Charlie Crow in the Snow, is an egg-ceedingly funny farmyard caper. A chunky board book with a glittery cover, this is the perfect book for an Easter gift – or any time of the year!
04 December 2014
32 pages
Imprint: Macmillan Children's Books
Little ones will adore the enchanting Rupert and his raucous farmyard friends while the eye-catching illustrations will have them frowning and laughing in quick succession.Lancashire Evening Post
Young audiences will love Rupert's misunderstandings [and] they'll relish the visual treats supplied by the bold, bright pictures of Cally Johnson-Isaacs whose scenes, be they full spread or smaller vignette style, are both funny and full of charm.jillrbennett.wordpress.com