Book cover for Love May Fail

Love May Fail



04 June 2015
256 pages
Imprint: Picador


Brilliant . . . compulsively readable . . . a plot that keeps you guessing . . . The emotional authenticity of his characters and their pitch-perfect Philly dialogue make it little wonder that his entire back catalogue has been optioned. But you don't need to wait for the film: Love May Fail is as wholly transporting as any cinematic experience. The blackly comic, quicksand tone of Vonnegut might be the presiding spirit, but Matthew Quick has a uniquely rewarding voice and one that, for his native Philadelphia, is creating a space in contemporary fiction all of its own.
A complex and thought-provoking American comedy about love and the meaning of life
Quick excels at writing what he knows, and making readers feel intimately connected to his characters. Love May Fail also reflects his mastery of devising humorous dialogue, interlaced with rabid vulgarity. "The truth will set you free," Portia furiously states at one point "But first it will piss you off." Once a high-school English teacher himself, the author captures how painful it is to have a misguided student and feel powerless to help them. Portia recalls how Nate would end each school year optimistically by handing his students personalized Official Member of the Human Race cards, encouraging them to "make daring choices, work hard, enjoy the ride, and remember-you become exactly whomever you choose to be." You can almost see the movie poster now.
Inspiring . . . Matthew Quick has a way with wounded characters