Driving Home
Driving Home is a collection of Jonathan Raban's travel writing and essays, spanning two decades and charting its course through American history and world events.
Jonathan Raban has written about people and places in transition or on the margins, of journeys undertaken and destinations never quite reached; of isolation and alienation, but also of what it means to belong, to feel rooted.
He writes with an outsider’s eye for the public and the personal, about political, social, and cultural affairs, and about literature, his tone intimate but never nostalgic, and always fresh.
Variously frank, witty, and provocative, Driving Home is part essay collection, part diary – and wholly engrossing.
‘A passionate history buff and a skilled raconteur . . . it’s a fine ride’ – Sunday Times
‘A fabulous collection’ – Observer
Teems with acerbic humour . . . 600 relentlessly intelligent pages of erudite, witty and combative prose.Patrick McGrath, Guardian ‘Book of the Week’
A passionate history buff and a skilled raconteur . . . it’s a fine ride.Sunday Times
A fabulous collection.Observer