Joanne Dewberry

Joanne Dewberry started her first business, Charlie Moos, just before the birth of her second child, Megan, in 2008. Disheartened by the party bags that Charlie had received at parties she decided she could do better and so Charlie Moos was born. Not a natural crafter nor had she sewn before, Joanne soon discovered how therapeutic sewing could be. Along the way she has learnt many new business skills which she is passionate about sharing with small business owners and in particular mums. With 3 children under 5 years herself Joanne understands the constraints on mums in business. Her passion and dedication earned her the title of Dorset Business Mum of the Year 2010 along with numerous other business accolades in the past 3 years.

Joanne is passionate about small business and writes a blog providing small businesses training, advice & neworking in areas of social media, marketing and juggling children and a business.

Books by Joanne Dewberry