Book cover for The Strangler's Honeymoon

The Strangler's Honeymoon



22 February 2018
963 minutes
Imprint: Macmillan Digital Audio


I was swept away by Håkan Nesser's The Strangler's Honeymoon which is as gruesome, tense and droll as its title.
A richly atmospheric addition to the series . . . Nesser contrives an impressive balance between a twisty thriller plotline and satisfying characters with believable quirks . . . his subtle touch when it comes to psychological insight and his confident storytelling make for an enthralling read.
Nesser produces crime writing that is so rivetingly written that it makes most contemporary crime fare - Scandinavian or otherwise - seem rather thin gruel. Nesser's tenacious copper, Chief Inspector Van Veeteren is one of the most distinctive protagonists in the field (lauded by no less an authority than Colin Dexter: 'destined for a place among the great European detectives'), and the baffling, labyrinthine cases he tackles have a rigour and logic all too rarely encountered.