Book cover for Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man

Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man



12 November 2020
266 minutes
Imprint: Macmillan Digital Audio


I really love this . . . [it’s] deeply informative for those who need more clarity and understanding. Get educated with Uncomfortable Conversations with a Black Man
What Emmanuel Acho has to say is important. It has made me think, and I hope that more people read this and that it will get them thinking. He answers the questions – the why of things – that will hopefully lead, in the future, to the how we move forward
Emmanuel is a voice we need right now. I admire and appreciate the way he tackles complex issues with great empathy, care and introspection. He understands that every good conversation starts with listening, and I believe the work he is doing is critical
Emmanuel Acho pushes conversations that we need to have into the middle, when so many want them on the side. This book matters so much