Book cover for How To Have A Good Day

How To Have A Good Day



14 January 2016
804 minutes
Imprint: Macmillan Digital Audio


How to Have a Good Day is an extraordinary book - a wonderful mix of science, practical advice, and stories based on Caroline Webb's years of experience helping a huge range of people transform their professional lives for the better. Every chapter is studded with engaging real-world examples that ring true and illustrate how to make the most of the book's suggestions. Whatever your personal definition of a good day, you'll have more of them after reading this book.
How to Have a Good Day is a smart, thorough, and eminently practical book. Just about every page offers a science-based tip to help you become better off - or, in many cases, just plain better.
Behavioral science has come of age in recent years, and it has begged for a world-class translator. Now we have one. Caroline Webb's peerless translation of the behavioral sciences into tools for shaping the quality of our day is the book we've been waiting for. Play with just 2% of the ideas in this book, and you might just end up changing your life's course. Words like 'magisterial' come to mind. Bravo.
Finally, a practical book based on evidence. How to Have a Good Day is grounded in state-of-the-art research on behavior and neuroscience, and animated with vivid examples from professionals who have successfully applied Webb's advice. It might even leave you looking forward to your next tricky conversation or challenging task as an opportunity to try out her tips.